PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc., is proud to be the primary online education provider for Project Proclaim, a Lilly Foundation funded program of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ (SNEUCC). Our Project Proclaim courses will include three introductory Bible courses and over a dozen proclamation courses written and facilitated by some of today's most effective conveyors of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Courses to be offered in Academic Year 2024-2025 (this list will be updated):

Introductory Level 1 Bible Courses based on The Exploring the Bible Dickinson Series by Rev. Anne Robertson, published by the Massachusetts Bible Society:
--What is the Bible? (August 2024)
Using the student text What is the Bible? from the Exploring the Bible Dickinson Series, Rev. Anne Robertson, author, as the foundation, this course introduces participants to the Bible in its many contexts: as sacred story and as literature, as moral guide and historical guide. Participants who complete this course will be prepared to continue their Biblical journey with the Old Testament and New Testament courses based on the other volumes in the series.

--Introducing the Old Testament (October 16, 2024)
Using the student text Introducing the Old Testament from the Exploring the Bible Dickinson Series, Rev. Anne Robertson, author, as the foundation, this course introduces participants to the Old Testament as part of the Christian scriptural tradition. Participants who complete this course will be prepared to continue their Biblical journey with the New Testament course based on the other volumes in the series. At the recommendation of the facilitator, participants who have completed this course may be eligible to enroll in a Level 2 preaching course simultaneously with the New Testament course.

--Introducing the New Testament (January 8, 2025)
Using the student text Introducing the New Testament from the Exploring the Bible Dickinson Series, Rev. Anne Robertson, author, as the foundation, this course introduces participants to the New Testament as part of the Christian scriptural tradition. Participants who complete this course will be prepared to continue their Biblical journey with either of the PATHWAYS Level 2 Bible courses and in courses that encourage application of their knowledge, such as PATHWAYS worship, proclamation, and faith formation courses.

Level 2 and 3 Proclamation Courses:
-- Introduction to Storytelling for Preaching and Proclamation (Level 2Fall 2024 -October 16)
In this course, Introduction to Storytelling for Preaching and Proclamation, participants will explore and experiment with a style of storytelling that is exemplified by The Moth, a non-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling, as aired on National Public Radio.  Storytellers will mine their own memories for personal stories that can be used in crafting sermons, intergenerational messages, faith formation, ecclesial and community leadership, and pastoral care.  Participants will learn to analyze basic structures of stories, to tailor stories to a variety of situations, and to deliver stories with confidence.  In addition, participants will be introduced to narrative theology, the narrative lectionary, the use of narrative in pastoral care, and Story Circles.

--How to Successfully Write About Faith for Newspapers (Level 2, Spring 2025 - January 8)
In this course, we will learn how to write about faith, religion and spirituality for a local newspaper. The aims of the course are: 1) to develop basic AP-style writing skills; 2) harness and explore your individual voice; 3) learn how to tell a compelling story within a given word count; 4) understand and practice the fine art of personal storytelling in a newsworthy context; 5) develop the ‘question-asking’ muscle – how to ask better questions of others and of ourselves – in order to understand our story better and write a more compelling story for diverse readership. Over the course of six weeks, we will also read and analyze faith-related stories from a local newspaper and assess/analyze what makes certain stories more successful than others.

--Exact Title TBD, Preaching Against Christian Nationalism (Level 3, Spring 2025 - likely March 5)

--Exact Title and Level TBD, Proclaiming Liberation (likely Summer 2025 - May)

--Exact Title and Level TBD, Short Form Video Proclamation (Tiktok, Reels, etc.) (TBA)

Project Proclaim courses may be offered again if there is enough interest; if you would like to participate in another section of a course that has already been offered, please email our Academic Dean, Rev. Dr. Ruth Shaver, at, to be notified when the course is on the calendar again.

Verified Project Proclaim participants from SNEUCC can currently enroll in scheduled specified Project Proclaim courses for reduced rates thanks to scholarships provided through the Lilly Foundation Grant. All PATHWAYS participants may enroll in these courses for the usual 6-week course fee. PATHWAYS participants pursing a certificate should consult Registrar, Academic Dean or their authorizing body about how to use the Dickinson/MBS courses as part of their course of study as they are different than higher level Scripture courses. PATHWAYS Faith Formation certificate participants will have two different paths of study one of which can include the Dickinson/MBS Bible courses.


PATHWAYS believes that quality theological education should be available to any who want it. That’s why we provide a cost-effective online theological program accessible to all. 4-week Explorer courses are only $124, 6-week courses just $375, 9-week courses Supervised Ministry courses are $500, and our 12-week UCC History and Polity course is only $650.


Because classes are not bound by geography and have a flexible weekly schedule, PATHWAYS courses are able to fit into the rest of your busy life. Courses typically involve weekly readings and discussion in a facilitated online forum, offering practical, open-minded education and a learner-centered environment where participants can bring their own questions and insights.


Our courses have between 4 and 15 participants. This allows for deep and productive discussions in the online forum. We know that a small class size allows the participants to develop learning relationships with each other and for facilitators to push participants to a more indepth learning experience.


PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc.,
P.O. Box 897
Tucker, GA 30085

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PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. is a nonprofit provider of theological education that is academically rigorous and affordable.   A PATHWAYS education in Ministry Preparation can be completed on-line in three years at a fraction of the price of a seminary education.   Our program is aligned with the requirements for ordination of most mainline Protestant denominations and seeks to work with ordaining bodies to make sure that participants are meeting their goals.   Now is the time to make an inquiry for the future of theological education.  Reach out today to Partner with PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc.

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PATHWAYS is an innovator in cost-effective, progressive Christian education. We work alongside denominations, regional partners and individuals to make our programs accessible to all regardless of their ability to pay. This commitment to funding begins with each of our supporters. No matter how large or how small the donation, it all goes towards making theological education affordable to everyone who desires to learn.

There is no time like the present to contribute financially to PATHWAYS’ work and mission by making your tax-deductible gift – Today!