PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc.,
P.O. Box 897
Tucker, GA 30085
UCC History and Polity Course
The purpose of this course is to explore the history, polity, theologies, and practices of the United Church of Christ and its predecessor denominations. The course will include an exploration of denominational identity, hidden histories within the denomination, case studies around current issues of polity and structure, current ecumenical conversations, emerging trends within the United Church of Christ, and more. Successful completion of this course will fulfill the history and polity requirement for authorized ministry in the United Church of Christ in many associations and conferences.
UCC History & Polity is offered as a 12 week course Spring, Summer and Fall
Required Texts
- Hollyday, Joyce, C. On the Heels of Freedom: the American Missionary Association’s BoldCampaign to Educate Minds, Open Hearts, and Heal the Soul of a Divided Nation
- Post, Margaret Rowland, History and Program, Revised and Updated
- Shinn, Roger, Confessing Our Faith: An Interpretation of the Statement of Faith of theUnited Church of Christ
- Walker, Randi, The Evolution of a UCC Style
- Zikmund, B. ed., Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ, Vol. 1
Other Required Resources (Provided in-course except where noted with *)
- “A Short Course in the History of The United Church of Christ”
- “Innovation and Inspiration: What’s New in the UCC?”
- “Map of the Origins of the UCC”
- “We Are a People of Extravagant Welcome”
- 2021 General Synod Standing Rules
- Anti-Racist Resolution
- Basis of Union
- *Book of Worship: The United Church of Christ
- Called to Wholeness Resolution
- Exploring UCC History, Polity and Theology
- Freeman, Donald, “Autonomy in Covenant”
- Gunnemann, Louis H.,On the Way: Occasional Papers of the Wisconsin Conference of theUnited Church of Christ,“Baptism: Sacrament of Christian Vocation”
- Gunnemann, Louis H.,On the Way: Occasional Papers of the Wisconsin Conference of theUnited Church of Christ,“The Eucharist: Sacrament of Discipleship”
- Heidelberg Catechism
- Hoffman, Jane Fisler,Covenant: A Study for the United Church of Christ
- Hulteen, B.,United Church of Christ Covenantal Polity, Living Theological Heritage,“Covenantal Relationships”
- Just Peace Pronouncement
- Kansas City Statement of Faith
- Land of the Sky Church
- Lizardy-Hajbi, Kristina, FACT Case Studies of Congregations Engaging Young Adults
- Kirkwood United Church of Christ
- Manual on Ministry
- Marks of Faithful and Effective Ministers in the United Church of Christ
- Open and Affirming Resolution
- Prudential resolution: The Alliance of Associate Conference Ministers of the United Churchof Christ Request to be Recognized as a Formal Group
- Resolution Process Overview
- Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ
- Steckel, Clyde J.,UCC Ecclesiology at Fifty
- The Constitution and By-laws of the United Church of Christ
- The Ordained Ministers’ Code
- The Peace Church
- Thomas, John, Contemporary Commitment and Catholic Substance
- Time Machine 1648/49: The Cambridge Platform
- UCC Congregational Vitality and Ministerial Excellence Report and UCC Resources on
- Congregational vitality
- UCC Public Policy Briefing Book
- World Council of Church’s Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry
- Worship Ways
- Your conference’s and association’s website(s)
- Your congregation’s Constitution, By-laws, Church Covenant or other foundational documents