PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc.,
P.O. Box 897
Tucker, GA 30085
Synthesizing Courses (Level 3-Capstone) - MP30610 - 1.5 Credits
The Level 3 Capstone course, Congregational Ministry and the Future Church, is the culmination of the PATHWAYS program. In this course, participants will have the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills developed in the PATHWAYS program and apply them in the context of the changing congregational experience in the 21st Century.
Learning Objectives
In addition to the objectives the learners identify for themselves, participants who successfully completes this course will be able to:
- To synthesize values of the UCC in the process of planning strategically for authorized ministry in a specific ministerial context.
- To formulate approaches for the empowerment of the Church to be faithful to God’s call, reflective of Christ’s mission, and open to the Holy Spirit in a specific ministerial context.
- To strategically create a future plan of God’s church in a particular ministerial context.
- To develop strategies for necessary and appropriate administrative tasks in the context of strategic planning for a specific ministerial setting.
- To formulate theological reflection as part of one’s sense of ministerial identity within the context of a special setting.
- To develop strategies for the integration of theological reflection in teaching, preaching, and ecclesial and community leadership in authorized ministry.
Required Texts
- The Bible (translation of your choice.)
- Kavar, L. (2015). Contemporary Churches: Spiritual Transformation of Congregations. CreateSpace
- Tickle, P. (2012). Emergence Christianity: What It Is, Where It Is Going, and Why It Matters. Baker Books
Resources (texts, online – written, audio, visual, other)