PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc.,
P.O. Box 897
Tucker, GA 30085
Meet the Academic Council
The PATHWAYS Academic Council (PAC) is responsible for upholding the integrity of the courses offered by PATHWAYS. Consisting of practicing clergy and religious scholars from academia, PAC works to assure that every course in the pastoral, certificate, and continuing education tracks focus on at least one and as many as four Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministry in the United Church of Christ in addition to a set of common Marks that the online experience support. PAC supports the facilitators and course writers of PATHWAYS, works intentionally to expand the diversity of the voices heard in our curriculum through regular course reviews, and authorizes and supervises the creation of new courses to meet the needs of our participants at every level

The Rev. R. Keith Stuart, PhD.
The Rev. R. Keith Stuart, PhD. former Senior Minister at Dover Congregational United Church of Christ, holds advanced degrees in homiletics and systematic theology. While pursuing is Ph.D, Stuart studied in South Africa, spending time with Alan Paton, author of Cry, the Beloved Country. It was during that season that Stuart began to fashion a different understanding of the Jesus Way as a response to the evils of apartheid, racism, and exclusion. Later, while leading churches in Missouri and Ohio, Stuart led congregations consider faith beyond literalism and to exploring the freedom of theological metaphor as the interpretive lens to God and scripture. Stuart has contributed articles to numerous periodicals. He published his first book, Letting Go of True Belief: A Spiritual Memoir of Two Friends Who Found a Different Understanding of God. Since his retirement in 2022, he is working on his second book, a novel that traces racism through a series of three events that interweave through the lives of multiple families. Stuart is married to Cynthia. They have two children, Laura and Joseph and twin grandsons, Julian and Eli.

The Rev. Dr. Vanessee Burns
Dr. Vanessee Burns, an ordained Methodist Elder retired after 30 years of Pastoral/Clinical Services. She presently serves in two positions at Georgetown University, Washington, DC: 1) Resident Minister to graduate students where she supports the spiritual and religious needs of students of all religions, beliefs, and identities to connect their faith, spirituality, and values with curricular and co-curricular opportunities and 2) Advisor For Spiritual Care, a pilot position, in which she works in close collaboration with the Director for Mission Integration, as well as other chaplains, and staff and the 55H Residential Educational team. As Advisor, she provides group and individual spiritual care and programming to the students, faculty and staff for Georgetown’s Capital Campus Community.
Her retirement now allows her to focus on Marketplace Ministry as the Apostolic Leader of Kingdom First Ministries (KFM): a Global Marketplace Ministry with the perfect balance of intellectual, spiritual and mental well being. In KFM the gifts for ministry are fully operational until the body of Christ is edified. KFM serves as the covering for individuals, ministries and churches that seek to grow and operate in their gifts through teaching, missions and outreach and provides educational certification, licensure and ordination.
Dr. Burns received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia; a Master of Divinity from the Phillips School of Theology at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia with a concentration in Biblical Languages and Old Testament; and a Doctorate of Ministry from Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, NC. Dr. Burns is a lifelong scholar who pursues excellence and inspires others to as well. She has a Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy from NorthCentral University and has been accepted into the Graduate Certificate Program in Adaptive and Innovative Leadership at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
She is a Certified Clinical Counselor (ACPE) and served as a full-time Prison Chaplain at Perry Correctional Institute with the South Carolina Department of Corrections and did resident training with the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, Anderson, SC., the Georgia Department of Corrections and the VA Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia. Most recently, she was selected by Georgia State University, “The Garden Initiative for Black Women’s Religious Activism”, as a mentor in its mentorship program as well as appointed to Pathways Academic Council of the United Church of Christ.
She has authored two books, 30 Days of Meditation, a spiritual guide through life lessons coupled with meditative prayers and scriptures, and Let’s Talk About Tongues, an exploration
PATHWAYS believes that quality theological education should be available to any who want it. That’s why we provide a cost-effective online theological program accessible to all. 4-week Explorer courses are only $124, 6-week courses just $375, 9-week courses Supervised Ministry courses are $500, and our 12-week UCC History and Polity course is only $650.
Because classes are not bound by geography and have a flexible weekly schedule, PATHWAYS courses are able to fit into the rest of your busy life. Courses typically involve weekly readings and discussion in a facilitated online forum, offering practical, open-minded education and a learner-centered environment where participants can bring their own questions and insights.
Our courses have between 4 and 15 participants. This allows for deep and productive discussions in the online forum. We know that a small class size allows the participants to develop learning relationships with each other and for facilitators to push participants to a more indepth learning experience.